Thursday, May 21, 2009

Secret Wash

I don't believe I have updated ALL my fans on my J. Crew status. I GOT THE JOB! I'm so excited to be a J. Crew Sales Associate. I have to say the most exciting part of my job is walking around the store with my intense fitting room key. I also love dressing in really good clothes that make me look ten times skinnier than I actually am.

The only downfall to my job is that everyone that works there has already been friends for soooo long. They talk about their lives and their inside jokes while I fold t-shirts and smile at their passing words. Also, I am still in that time period where I am trying to impress them so I am afraid to show them my true self. Instead of being crazy and fun, I am constantly trying to do a good job and be serious. Also, some of the jokes that I tell seem to go either unheard or unnapreciated. Hopefully it gets better.

-- Otis on the move


  1. Your legs are so skinny in that picture!!

  2. I know! I feel like it's an illusion...

  3. Dear Otis, please blog again. Love, Sydney.
