Tuesday, June 2, 2009

URGHNESS...I thought that this week was going to be absolutely perfect. 
I thought the clouds would open up and God would be smiling down upon me.

Insteadz. It seems as though this is the most frustrating week of the year.

1. J.Crew. Why must you only give me four hours of work this week? Its just rude. Let me come in on my ON CALL! I mean just give me that. Would it really be that hard? I don't believe it would have been. I swear. If my hours get cut tomorrow on the day that I am ACTUALLY scheduled to work I will have to blow up the entire store with my telekinetic feats of strength. 

2. School. Why must the teachers be so exponentially bitchier on the last week? I mean even the principals are being little beeATCHES. Officially sick of it. Last day is Thursday...BUT i don't go into school until then so its not so bad i guess.

3. Rehearsal. I understand that PCA is out of school and the leaders of our church want to give them as little time to rebel as possible, but I"M still in school. I'm sorry but I can't make it to your 1 o' clock rehearsal because I am still emotionally dealing with being babysat at Frisco High. Pisses me right off...


Your welcome for the random pictures that have nothing to do with anything.


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